Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Choosing the right computer for your home or business

How to choose the right computer

Choosing a computer maybe considered a difficult task for many, especially for computer shoppers who are new. When shopping for a computer you have to ask yourself what do you need it for and what specific work related tasks will you be focused on. Not only are their different types of computers for different kinds of jobs, their are also computers that are meant for home, a business, or portable use. Below is a breakdown of different usage of computers.

Computers for Home

When it comes to computers for your home you have to keep in mind what kind of system you want. Their are two specific systems on the market and that is PC and Mac. Both are very powerful systems and have their own pros and cons. PC computers are the more popular option around the world because their are 3 levels. The 3 levels are low-range, mid-range, and high-range computers. Low-range computers are considered a more favorable option because they are cheaper then the rest. You can find a low range computer at a price between $200 - $400. Low range computers are best for basic home usage like checking your email, browsing the net, or posting pictures on Facebook. Doing homework assignments for school is also a plus.

PC computers whether its a desktop or laptop offer 2 different operating systems. Windows, the most popular and widely available operating system can be found pretty much on 90% of PC's in-stores all around the world. Chrome a much new operating system at a smaller market share on the PC market. Mac computers use the operating system called MacOSX, a totally different platform than Windows. Mac computers are more expensive and are typically considered mid to high range in pricing.  Be sure to read PC reviews on computers to help you with your pick. When it comes to a basic computer for the home for general use, I would recommend a low-range PC computer. If you are a gamer looking to play games with immense graphics and CPU usage, then consider getting a high-end computer which prices in the range of $900 to $2500.

Computers for Business

When looking to choose a computer for business, it's best to choose a mid range to high range computer. The range you choose will all depend on the given tasks that you at home or in the office entails. If you work for a company that focuses on a lot of data-entry, emailing, and processing of client info, a mid-range computer would be the best option. If  your business involves, audio, video, or graphic production then you should consider getting a high-end computer which has the hardware to handle heavy cpu load, multitasking capabilities, and graphics. If you are a computer animator, anything less than a high-end computer would be considered futile.

High-end computers are perfect for those who need to multitask and process a lot of data. Whether your computer of choice is a Mac or PC, if they are high-end, they will be equipped with the minimum of 8GB of ram and a graphics card with a minimum of 2GB of ram. The more ram, the better I always say and that's the truth. With more computer memory, you have a lesser chance of your computer freezing or applications crashing. A computer crashing on an assignment that you were working on for hours on end is a very frustrating experience.

Computers for Travel

We are in new age of technology and people are no longer restricted to a desktop computer. Yes laptops are portable enough for us to carry and cell phones are becoming the new all-in-one computers, but hybrid tablet devices are becoming the norm.  Hybrid laptops have attachable or flippable keyboards where you can tuck away and transform the device into a tablet and vice-versa at will. When you are a business person who needs to travel from time to time and can't do all of their assignments on a touchscreen device alone, then a product that offers both a keyboard and a touchscreen would be perfect for you.

Laptops, especially tablet devices are becoming the norm because of their size and how lightweight they are. You can easily slide this computer device in a bag or carry in your hands with little to no effort. Also by choosing from the best computer brands possible by reading reviews or speaking with a sales rep at a local store will help immensely. With the wide availability of WiFi in every public place, surfing on the net, or checking your email, or finalizing that report anywhere in the world becomes very simple.


At the end of the day, choosing the right computer all comes down to preference on what you need. If your job or assignments is high and demanding, you will need a computer that can match that intensity. If you find yourself only doing simple to moderate tasks or will be using the computer from time to time then, a basic low-range computer will be the best option for you.

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